Hey Folks - If you haven't already heard, I wanted to let everyone know that the popular series, Movers and Shakers of the Horse World, is back! Randi Thompson and I are working together on this exciting production, and the first episode will air on G+ this Tuesday, Feb 17th at 8pm ET. We'll be speaking with Liv Gude of Professional Equine Grooms. JOIN US THERE: How do you find us? All you need to do is go to the Movers and Shakers of the Horse World Hangout at this link: https://plus.google.com/events/ceql3i13lu8pea4b1bre66f7mhg. You can also email me with your request to attend and we will send you the invitation link. You do not need to join Google+ to participate. Future episodes of the Movers and Shakers of the Horse World include: Feb 17th Liv Gude of Professional Equine Grooms March 10th Debi Metcalfe of Stolen Horse International, Inc. aka NetPosse April 14th Wayne L. Williams of Speaking of Horses TV May 12th Fran Jurga of HoofCare.com June 9th Christy Lanwehr, CEO of the Certified Horsemanship Association July 14th Glen the Geek of Horses in the Morning There will be a unique link for each episode so stay tuned. We hope to see you there!